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Fr. Mason Waldhauser

Fr. Mason grew up in a Christian household and felt called to be a pastor since he was a child. His family attended evangelical, mostly Baptist, churches before discovering Anglicanism shortly before Mason went off to college at Eastern University in St. Davids, PA. There he majored in Philosophy and studied in their Great Books program. He spent his junior year studying abroad at Christ Church, Oxford, where he was formed by Anglo-Catholic spirituality during a residential internship at Pusey House in the Church of England.

He returned to the States feeling called to the priesthood and enrolled in seminary, studying residentially at Nashotah House in Wisconsin. There he worked as a sacristan and earned his Master’s of Divinity, graduating with honors in the class of 2020. After graduation, he served as curate at parishes in Denver, CO and Vero Beach, FL before accepting the call to serve as rector here at St. Margaret’s.

Fr. Mason is passionate about teaching Christians how to deepen their lives of prayer and feels called to help Episcopalians hold together both ritual and relationship, how to be true to our catholic heritage while also growing in one’s personal relationship with God. In his free time, he enjoys playing golf, taking trips to the beach, and exploring all that Florida has to offer.


Rick Dahlinger

Organist and Choir Director

Bob Serroni


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Senior Warden: Sharron Thornton

Junior Warden: Steve Farnsworth


Steve Farnsworth

Sue Howard

Sharron Thornton


Bobbie Dilocker

[Deb Germann]

Sherry Olle


Marion Borchers

Lynda Christoffers

Virginia Panto