Upcoming Parish Events.


Lessons and Carols

This service, devised by Kings College, Cambridge, is a service of alternating readings and songs. It will not include Holy Communion or a sermon but instead offer an opportunity to hear many selections from God’s Word and sing the Christmas carols we love so much. (Fr. Mason will be away on vacation for this service.)

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Christmas Day

This will be a quiet service, spoken, without music or incense; but joyful nonetheless, as we celebrate Christmas morning. This service will include Holy Communion and last about thirty minutes.

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Christmas Eve

This is our principal service of Christmas and will include carols, incense, and Holy Communion. Everything you need to follow along with the service will be printed in the bulletin, and this service will last about an hour. We would love to have you join us as we celebrate together our Lord’s Incarnation.

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Morning Prayer for Advent IV

Instead of a Mass, we will have Morning Prayer for this the last Sunday of Advent. Following the service, as many as would like are welcome to help “green the church” as we prepare for our main Christmas Eve service at 4pm.

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Vestry Meeting

The vestry is the lay governing body of our parish, with representatives who serve three-year terms, elected to their office at our annual meeting in January. Our church’s vestry meetings are open to all who are members of this parish. Our elected vestry members alone have voice and vote in these meetings.

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Midweek Mass - Ember Day

We meet each Wednesday at 12:30pm for a Midweek Mass with a brief homily, followed by an optional time of healing prayer after the service. This is a more intimate service and perfect for those who cannot make our Sunday worship time or prefer a more quiet and contemplative context. It is also a good opportunity for those who for health reasons would like prayers of healing or prefer a less crowded context.

On this Ember Day, we pray for all those with a vocation to serve as clergy in Christ’s Church.

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Bible Study

Each Tuesday we gather to study God’s Word together. We begin at 12pm in our parish hall for a bring-your-own bagged lunch, and we begin our Bible Study at 12:30pm. We discuss the passages appointed for the upcoming Sunday (called the Sunday’s “Propers”). This is a great way to familiarize yourself with the passages so that the readings and sermon will be more meaningful to you on Sunday. There are usually between fifteen and twenty of us. The study lasts until 1:30pm and is led by Fr. Mason.

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Midweek Mass - Feria

We meet each Wednesday at 12:30pm for a Midweek Mass with a brief homily, followed by an optional time of healing prayer after the service. This is a more intimate service and perfect for those who cannot make our Sunday worship time or prefer a more quiet and contemplative context. It is also a good opportunity for those who for health reasons would like prayers of healing or prefer a less crowded context.

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Finance Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee meets once per month, a week before the vestry meeting. These meetings are open to vestry members and to the rest of the congregation. The Finance Committee exists for the purpose of making financial recommendations to the vestry. They meet in the vestry room, in the church office building.

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Bible Study

Each Tuesday we gather to study God’s Word together. We begin at 12pm in our parish hall for a bring-your-own bagged lunch, and we begin our Bible Study at 12:30pm. We discuss the passages appointed for the upcoming Sunday (called the Sunday’s “Propers”). This is a great way to familiarize yourself with the passages so that the readings and sermon will be more meaningful to you on Sunday. There are usually between fifteen and twenty of us. The study lasts until 1:30pm and is led by Fr. Mason.

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Daughters of the King Meeting

Our St. Margaret’s chapter of the Daughters of the King will meet for a time of intercessory prayer on behalf of our parish. For more information or to inquire about joining this order, please contact Myra Pye.

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Midweek Mass - Nicholas of Myra

We meet each Wednesday at 12:30pm for a Midweek Mass with a brief homily, followed by an optional time of healing prayer after the service. This is a more intimate service and perfect for those who cannot make our Sunday worship time or prefer a more quiet and contemplative context. It is also a good opportunity for those who for health reasons would like prayers of healing or prefer a less crowded context.

In this service, we will commemorate St. Nicholas of Myra, Bishop, who died in 342 AD and is remembered in connection with Christmas as the origin of “Santa Claus.”

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Bible Study

Each Tuesday we gather to study God’s Word together. We begin at 12pm in our parish hall for a bring-your-own bagged lunch, and we begin our Bible Study at 12:30pm. We discuss the passages appointed for the upcoming Sunday (called the Sunday’s “Propers”). This is a great way to familiarize yourself with the passages so that the readings and sermon will be more meaningful to you on Sunday. There are usually between fifteen and twenty of us. The study lasts until 1:30pm and is led by Fr. Mason.

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Parish Workday

Our parish’s Men’s and Women’s Club will be hosting a cleanup as we seek to be good stewards of the property which God has entrusted to us. Please consider joining us for this time of fellowship and service.

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Midweek Mass - St. Andrew the Apostle (Eve)

We meet each Wednesday at 12:30pm for a Midweek Mass with a brief homily, followed by an optional time of healing prayer after the service. This is a more intimate service and perfect for those who cannot make our Sunday worship time or prefer a more quiet and contemplative context. It is also a good opportunity for those who for health reasons would like prayers of healing or prefer a less crowded context.

In this service, we will celebrate the major feast of St. Andrew the Apostle.

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Bible Study

Each Tuesday we gather to study God’s Word together. We begin at 12pm in our parish hall for a bring-your-own bagged lunch, and we begin our Bible Study at 12:30pm. We discuss the passages appointed for the upcoming Sunday (called the Sunday’s “Propers”). This is a great way to familiarize yourself with the passages so that the readings and sermon will be more meaningful to you on Sunday. There are usually between fifteen and twenty of us. The study lasts until 1:30pm and is led by Fr. Mason.

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Bible Study

Each Tuesday we gather to study God’s Word together. We begin at 12pm in our parish hall for a bring-your-own bagged lunch, and we begin our Bible Study at 12:30pm. We discuss the passages appointed for the upcoming Sunday (called the Sunday’s “Propers”). This is a great way to familiarize yourself with the passages so that the readings and sermon will be more meaningful to you on Sunday. There are usually between fifteen and twenty of us. The study lasts until 1:30pm and is led by Fr. Mason.

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We meet each Wednesday at 12:30pm for a Midweek Mass with a brief homily, followed by an optional time of healing prayer after the service. This is a more intimate service and perfect for those who cannot make our Sunday worship time or prefer a more quiet and contemplative context. It is also a good opportunity for those who for health reasons would like prayers of healing or prefer a less crowded context.

In this service, we will give thanks for the many blessings God has given us.

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Bible Study

Each Tuesday we gather to study God’s Word together. We begin at 12pm in our parish hall for a bring-your-own bagged lunch, and we begin our Bible Study at 12:30pm. We discuss the passages appointed for the upcoming Sunday (called the Sunday’s “Propers”). This is a great way to familiarize yourself with the passages so that the readings and sermon will be more meaningful to you on Sunday. There are usually between fifteen and twenty of us. The study lasts until 1:30pm and is led by Fr. Mason.

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St. Margaret's Day Celebration

November 16 is our “patronal feast”—the feast of our patroness, St. Margaret of Scotland, who died on this day in the year 1093. Our evening will begin with drinks and hors d’oeuvres in the garden and then move inside for a dinner and programming. Dress code is semi-formal. Please join us for this opportunity to fellowship, hear live music, meet the new members of our parish, and celebrate our identity as St. Margaret’s Church and the life of our patroness, St. Margaret of Scotland.

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Vestry Meeting

The vestry is the lay governing body of our parish, with representatives who serve three-year terms, elected to their office at our annual meeting in January. Our church’s vestry meetings are open to all who are members of this parish. Our elected vestry members alone have voice and vote in these meetings.

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Midweek Mass - Samuel Seabury (Transferred)

We meet each Wednesday at 12:30pm for a Midweek Mass with a brief homily, followed by an optional time of healing prayer after the service. This is a more intimate service and perfect for those who cannot make our Sunday worship time or prefer a more quiet and contemplative context. It is also a good opportunity for those who for health reasons would like prayers of healing or prefer a less crowded context.

In this service, we commemorate Blessed Samuel Seabury, the first bishop of the Episcopal Church, who was consecrated in 1784.

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Bible Study

Each Tuesday we gather to study God’s Word together. We begin at 12pm in our parish hall for a bring-your-own bagged lunch, and we begin our Bible Study at 12:30pm. We discuss the passages appointed for the upcoming Sunday (called the Sunday’s “Propers”). This is a great way to familiarize yourself with the passages so that the readings and sermon will be more meaningful to you on Sunday. There are usually between fifteen and twenty of us. The study lasts until 1:30pm and is led by Fr. Mason.

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Prayers at Florida National Cemetery

This service will take place at Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell and be an opportunity for us to pray for those who died in our parish as veterans in service to our country. This service will be followed by a small reception.

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Midweek Mass - Feria

We meet each Wednesday at 12:30pm for a Midweek Mass with a brief homily, followed by an optional time of healing prayer after the service. This is a more intimate service and perfect for those who cannot make our Sunday worship time or prefer a more quiet and contemplative context. It is also a good opportunity for those who for health reasons would like prayers of healing or prefer a less crowded context.

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Finance Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee meets once per month, a week before the vestry meeting. These meetings are open to vestry members and to the rest of the congregation. The Finance Committee exists for the purpose of making financial recommendations to the vestry. They meet in the vestry room, in the church office building.

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Bible Study

Each Tuesday we gather to study God’s Word together. We begin at 12pm in our parish hall for a bring-your-own bagged lunch, and we begin our Bible Study at 12:30pm. We discuss the passages appointed for the upcoming Sunday (called the Sunday’s “Propers”). This is a great way to familiarize yourself with the passages so that the readings and sermon will be more meaningful to you on Sunday. There are usually between fifteen and twenty of us. The study lasts until 1:30pm and is led by Fr. Mason.

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Parish Yard Sale

Our parish yard sale is open to the community, and proceeds will help with the costs involved with our church’s food pantry. We are accepting donations prior to the event.

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